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[ONLINE] Copyright for Instruction Online

Do you use and/or share journal articles, book chapters, videos, content sourced from the Internet, etc. in your courses? Do you have questions or concerns about copyright and how it relates to instruction?

This one hour workshop will provide an overview of copyright considerations for instruction and detail how the Copyright Office can assist you with ensuring your course materials are copyright compliant.

Topics covered in the session include:

  • Copyright considerations for in-class and online instruction, including recording and sharing lectures
  • How to ensure the course readings you assign and other materials you share with your students are copyright compliant 
  • Copyright Office services - how to submit questions or readings for review, the Reading List Tool and other resources
  • An overview of institutional copyright policies and procedures.

Time is allocated for questions and discussion.

Please note: this workshop is particularly useful for instructors, teaching assistants and anyone who assists in creating or providing course materials for instruction purposes.

Event URL and details provided upon registration.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Faculty     Graduate  

Registration is required. There are 20 seats available.