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Tri-Agency Open Access Policy – Information Session In-Person

The harmonized open access policy released by the tri-council granting agencies (NSERC, SSHRC and CIHR) applies to all individuals receiving an NSERC or SSHRC research grant with an award date after May 1, 2015, and has been in place for CIHR grant holders since 2008. Grant recipients are now required to ensure that any peer-reviewed journal publications arising from Agency-supported research are freely accessible within 12 months of publication.


Not sure what this means for you? Research Services and Libraries and Cultural Resources are pleased to present a joint information session to help you navigate these requirements. We will provide an overview of the policy, how it applies to grant holders, considerations for grant applications, and options for complying with the access requirements (including information on PRISM, the University of Calgary's digital repository) under various publishing scenarios.

While this session is intended primarily for current Tri Council grant holders, all are welcome to attend.

Related LibGuide: Scholarly Communication by Brianna Calomino

Thursday, May 3, 2018
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
Gallery Hall
  Research Skills  
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